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ST-M firmware update list

Remark:  ST-M firmware is used for new ST platform of VF30/TC550/OC500/EP300/A300/OC180/D100/D200.
                We can distinguish the platform by firmware, firmware of old M3 platform is under 3.XX.

V05.21 Update  15/07/08
            1) Adjust way to get door sensor info
            2) Switch fingerprint touch polarity
V05.20 Update  15/07/01
            1) LCD Display error when admin verify failed
V05.19 Update  15/06/29
            1) Network module restart after modify network parameters
V05.18 Update  15/06/26
            1) Network client side handle 0X7F protocol
V05.17 Update  15/06/25
           1) Wiegand input order adjust
V05.16 Update  15/02/02
           1) Compatible with VX30-5.1 board
V05.15 Update  15/01/20
           1) Compatible with BM-5.1 board
V05.11 Update  14/11/06
          1) Optimize GC0308 fingerprint sensor
          2) Default volume set to 3
V05.10 Update  14/10/24
          1) Compatible with GC0308 fingerprint sensor
V05.09 Update  14/10/16
          1) Network parameter setting mode error